Return Policy
International Returns
What is's International Return Policy?
You can initiate a return for most new and unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. You must return items in new or unused condition with all original materials included with the shipment. We must receive your returned items at our processing facility within 45 days of delivery. We inspect all returned items and award a partial refund for opened or used products. If the return is a result of our error or defective product, we will refund the full cost of the merchandise and shipping charges.
If you initiate a return after 30 days, may issue a partial refund depending on elapsed time and condition of merchandise.
See our International Refund Policy page for more details.
Are there any rules or exceptions to the International return policy?
Non-Returnable Items
Any item specifically marked as Non-Returnable on the product page will not be accepted for returns. -
Products Returned After 30 Days
Because products decrease in value over time, we offer partial refunds for items returned more than 30 days after delivery. In addition, we may reduce the refund further based on the condition of the merchandise. We also deduct the original and return shipping charges from your refund, as described in the Returns Policy. -
Defective Product and Returns Due to Our Error
Defective items, items damaged at the time of receipt, and incorrect items received may be returned without penalty. Your shipping charges will be waived. When we receive your return, we will inspect the item and issue you a refund. If the product is not found to be defective, shipping fees will apply and/or a partial refund may be issued.
Can I get an exchange, or replacement?
At this time, we are unable to process exchanges or replacements for international orders. If you wish to make an exchange or need a replacement, you must return the original item back to us and place a new order for a replacement item. For assistance, please click here to contact us.
How do I return my International order?
To initiate a return on an international order, you must contact us within 30 days from the date your package arrives at your doorstep to create a Return Authorization.
Upon contacting us, we will provide you with a Commercial Invoice and further return instructions.
Print out the documentation provided (Commercial Invoice and/or Return Label).
Place all items being returned in one parcel.
Attach the commercial invoice in a plastic document sleeve on the outside of our return package. This is necessary for your return to clear customs.
Follow any additional instructions provided via email along with the return shipping address.